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Unit 8, 22 Hudson Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154

Lifelong Special Education

STaR Special Educators coach and mentor educators and support workers across a range of settings. This builds the capacity of these key workers to ensure that education and independent living programs for people with disability, from early childhood onwards, are progressive and meaningful.

Early years (0-6 Years)

The STaR Early Years program is modelled on a successful early intervention program that was developed over a 10-year period by Dr Coral Kemp and her team at Macquarie University Special Education Centre (MUSEC). Our program has been operating within early childhood services in the community for more than 20 years. Highly qualified special educators provide training for educators in participating early childhood services to assist them to support and include children aged 0-6 years who have disabilities or developmental delay. Families have the right to be at the centre of decision making for their child; families are also supported according to need, especially in the transition to school.

What does this Program offer to families of children with disabilities/developmental delay?

The Early Years Program

  • trains and supports early childhood educators to develop and implement appropriate individualised programs and activities based on ongoing assessment, across all areas of development, of the child’s current functioning within the childcare centre and the family’s priorities and the goals of therapists
  • supports the child to achieve optimal development within everyday play and routines
  • supports families to access appropriate early childhood placement, which provides parents with increased life choices and work opportunities
  • offers the opportunity for siblings to attend the same early childhood service
  • provides parents with the opportunity for learning, discussion and connection with other families of children with disabilities
  • prepares the child and family for the school environment via the STaR Preparation for School and Transition to School programs
Meet our STaR Families
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Minaa’s Story
Maddie’s Story
Nathaniel’s Story
Emily and Ruby’s Story
Will’s Story
Lili’s Story

Post School

Lifelong learning is a human right regardless of difference.

Over our 20 years of operation, we have maintained contact with a significant number of STaR families, following with interest their educational experiences. What we know anecdotally is that the quality of learning is diluted, and incorrect assumptions are made about their child’s capacity to learn. There are limited post school choices for people with disabilities to access quality learning and to be recognised and included as valued and contributing members of our community.

STaR has therefore expanded its scope from early years to providing services across the lifespan. This is reflected in our renewed Vision and Mission.

We will do this through:

  • Undertaking research on post-school experiences
  • Delivering quality professional development
  • Providing consultancy to adult post-school employment and accommodation settings

Family Support

Living with disability can be challenging. We know that parents and carers can easily be overwhelmed by the unexpected journey they take with their family member. We assist our families with information and practical support on a ‘needs and wants’ basis.

Our family support

  • Helps families to negotiate the maze of services and systems
  • Offers practical information, resources, workshops
  • Offers intensive support during crisis
  • Is free to STaR families
STaR Association, Family Support